It’s the Indian, Not the Arrow”

Partisan Comms Podcast

In this episode, we discuss IBM’s revolutionary punch card system, and how the Nazi regime leveraged this technology to manage the logistics of genocide. We also compare how modern technology could be used for nefarious purposes in the future.

In this episode we discuss grid down scenarios such as cyber attacks and EMPs.

This episode features an interview with YouTube content creator Corsair Trainers. In this episode we discuss his time in the military serving with the United States Marine Corps., his transition from military life to working for the Bureau of Federal Prisons, as well as general preparedness, and content creation.

Episode #006 covers the history of the Roman empire, and contrasts it’s rise and fall with the American empire.

In this episode we discuss A.I. and its current impact on society.

This episode features a interview with YouTube content creator APT Synthesist (aka Basic American Preparedness). We discuss technology’s impact on society, EMPs, grid down, cyberattacks, societal and moral decay, apophenia, conspiracies, and music.

In this episode we cover a brief history of censorship, and the effect on general communications.

In this episode, we discuss the history of Numbers Stations, and their use as covert communications systems.

This episode features an interview with YouTuber Prepper Rabbit (aka Daddy Rabbit), and we discuss life, general preparedness, firearms, and YouTube Content Creation.