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Amateur Radio License Apply for a Federal Registration Number Austere Conditions Baofeng AR-152 Firmware Version Baofeng Factory Reset Instructions Baofeng UV-5R Baofeng UV-5R Firmware Version Baofeng UV-9R Firmware Version BktTimeSync CB Antenna Tuning Instructions CB Radio Antenna Tuning Comms Accessories Counterpose Desert Operating Environment Disaster Comms Planning Equipment Maintenance Federal Communications Commission Federal Registration Number G-Mouse VK-162 GPS Dongle GPS Dongle HAM Radio Time Sync Hotspot Configuration IMINT Line of Sight MARS Mod Natural Disasters ONSIT Powerwerx Sand Tables SIGINT Single Sideband (SSB) Single Sideband Modulation SWR Meter TBRO Protocol TIDRADIO H3 TIDRADIO H8 TIDRADIO Programming TYT MD-UV390 Plus Universal Licensing System Unlock TIDRADIO H3 Unlock TIDRADIO H8 Urban Operating Environment VK-162 Windows Driver Winter Operating Environment Woodland Operating Environment Yaesu FT-65
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Blog 22: Confirming Firmware Versions for the Baofeng UV-5R, AR-152 & UV-9R
If you need to confirm which firmware version your Baofeng UV-5R, AR-152, or UV9R is running, you can use the steps below to find out. This process also works with the GMRS only variant of the UV-5R. Below are examples of what it looks like when the firmware flashes on each radio. Baofeng UV-5R (Includes…
Blog 21: Unlocking a TIDRADIO H3
The TIDRADIO TD-H3 (HAM version) has three different modes of operation for amateur radio frequencies, GMRS, or completely unlocked. Amateur Radio Only: GMRS Only: Unlock All:
Blog 20: TYT MD-UV390 Plus Programming Tips
Switching Languages in the Software When you first download the software, the default language may be in Mandarin, which if you are fluent in Mandarin then it’s not a problem. But, if you’re not, then you may be wondering how to switch the language to English? With the software open, from the menu at the…
Blog 17: Unlocking a TIDRADIO H8
The TIDRADIO TD-H8 (Gen 2) has three different modes of operation for amateur radio frequencies, GMRS, or completely unlocked. Amateur Radio Only: GMRS Only: Unlock All:
Blog 11: Baofeng UV-5R Factory Reset Instructions
For the Baofeng UV-5R a factory reset can be performed by following the steps below:
Blog 6: Manual Programming Instructions for the Baofeng UV-5R, Yaesu FT-60, Yaesu VX-6 & Yaesu FT-65
BAOFENG UV-5R Simplex Programming: In this example you will learn how to program both a simplex frequency, as well as a repeater. For the simplex frequency, you will be using the National 2 Meter Calling Frequency which is 146.520 MHz. For the repeater, you’ll be using a generic frequency of 147.150 MHz, with a positive…