“It’s the Indian, Not the Arrow”

August 2024

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  • Blog 11: Baofeng UV-5R Factory Reset Instructions

    For the Baofeng UV-5R a factory reset can be performed by following the steps below:

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  • Blog 10: CB Antenna Tuning Instructions

    Antenna tuning is the process of adjusting the Standing Wave Radio (SWR).  If the SWR is too high, then you may run the risk of damaging your equipment if the antenna is not properly tuned to the recommended limits.[1]   How will a high SWR damage my equipment?  Damage to a radio can occur if there…

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  • Blog 9: Disaster Communications Planning

    A natural disaster can present many challenges to infrastructure including but not limited to, loss of electricity, internet and cell phone service disruption, damage to road and buildings, a lack of drinking water, etc.  The intent of this blog post isn’t to discuss all the types of gear one may need in a given situation,…

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  • Blog 8: Applying for a Federal Registration Number

    Before getting your Amateur Radio license, you must first register for your Federal Registration Number (FRN).  An FRN is a ten-digit number that identifies your business dealings with the FCC.   The FCC requires a permanent address, so they can reach you if necessary.  You will need to provide your FRN to the Volunteer Exam Coordinator…

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  • Blog 7: GMRS Licensing Instructions

    To obtain a license, you will need register with the Federal Communications Commission, and requesting a Federal Registration Number (FRN), Use the REGISTER link to begin the process of creating and account. Once you have created your account and receive your FRN, which typically happens moments after submitting the form, you will be able…

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  • Blog 6: Manual Programming Instructions for the Baofeng UV-5R, Yaesu FT-60, Yaesu VX-6 & Yaesu FT-65

    BAOFENG UV-5R Simplex Programming: In this example you will learn how to program both a simplex frequency, as well as a repeater.  For the simplex frequency, you will be using the National 2 Meter Calling Frequency which is 146.520 MHz.  For the repeater, you’ll be using a generic frequency of 147.150 MHz, with a positive…

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  • Blog 5: Solar Accessories

    In some of my past portable radio rigs I’ve used generic charge controllers due to their affordable price point.  However, I’ve discovered that some charge controllers can contribute to RFI during radio operations.  When attempting to troubleshoot interference, some of the first procedures one may start with would be proper grounding.  Ground helps ensure RF…

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  • Blog 4: Comms Accessories & Interoperability

    Depending on your comms goals and needs, there are a lot of ways one can setup a comms kit or go bag.  If you spend enough time focusing on the accessories that make sense for your specific needs, then you’ll eventually increase the efficiency in how you use your equipment, as well as the overall…

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  • Blog 3: DMR Programming

    Overview: This post is a tutorial on how to program a DMR. The software used in this tutorial was downloaded from for the TYT MD-UV380. Although this demo details a specific HT and software, the concept for programming the radio is comparable to what you will encounter when programming other DMR’s.  What is DMR?…

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  • Blog 2: Alternative Communications

    “The secret of war lies in the communications.” – Napoleon Bonaparte A notable capability humans are able to leverage during difficult times is resiliency.  When people finally decide to react to a situation, they are capable of adapting to seemingly insurmountable odds and austere conditions. In 2011, Egypt experienced violent protests as a younger generation…

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